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Date: 09 September 2006

Source : Tamil Writers Guild By: Brian Senewiratne Brisbane, Australia

I have only recently written an extensive article on the bombing outrage by the Sri Lankan Government of the Chencholai orphanage which killed some 51 Tamil girls and 4 staff.

Original Article on 27 August 2006

This brief note is

1. To draw the attention of your readers to a web address sent to me by a fellow Sinhalese with a note "Look at this. Any chance of a translation?" I replied that a translation was unnecessary, the pictures said it all. Please look at:

Video Clip of the Massacre

2. May I suggest that you not only look at this but, more importantly, get your non-Sri Lankan countrymen and women to look at it as an example of what is happening to the Tamil people, even Tamil children, in Sri Lanka. This is a somewhat different Sri Lanka than that found in the glossy tourist brochures. This is "reality TV!"

3. After seeing this ask yourself one question, "Is it feasible or realistic to have an undivided Sri Lanka?" Answer that question honestly. Then get those to whom you show this, to answer it. Then tell them to take it up with their Parliamentarians and the Media.

4. Just one addition to the article I wrote earlier. In an interview given to The Nation on 20 August 2006, Major General Henricsson said, "I think we counted 12 bombs which was confirmed. They were mostly fragmentation bombs which explode in the air and spread out a lot of pellets or fragments" These 'fragmentation bombs' explode in the air and spread a lot of metal fragments, effectively a shower of shrapnel, enough to cause widespread injury (and suffering), not enough to kill. This explains why so many children were injured (some 129), some of whom died later, having undergone tremendous suffering from their injuries. There must be a reason why the Armed Forces, and by extension the GOSL, used these bombs which, with Napalm bombs (which have also been used in Jaffna some years ago - I have photographs), have been banned in many countries, but not in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Buddhist Sri Lanka..

I have argued in my earlier article that what is going on in Sri Lanka is Genocide of the Tamils. There are also features of sadism. Sadism' is "Pleasure derived from inflicting or watching cruelty". Many of the killings of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces have more than an element of sadism. That is why Tamils are not only killed but their bodies mutilated. That is also why Tamils about to be killed are first tortured and then killed. It all adds up, does'nt it? The use of 'fragmentation bombs', as described by Hendicsson, is yet another example. Hendricsson has been a Major General in the Swedish Army and should know what he is talking about.

5. Just a word of warning to those responsible, all the way to the very top. The principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, established to prosecute Nazi war crimes during World War II and adopted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations in 1950. Article III of the Nuremberg principles states clearly:

"The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law".

This is why the German Foreign Minister was hanged for such crimes in the preemptive attack on Norway1 .

1 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its second session, 5 June - 29 July 1950 (Document A/1316).

Source: Tamil Writers Guild By: Brian Senewiratne
Date: 09 September 2006

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